Waste water management

Today's edition of the 'Deccan Herald' carries an article about Hoskote town in Bangalore rural district, which was facing an acute shortage of water all these years ; the water table at Hoskote that had depleted to a depth of 1250 feet, has now begun to increase as a consequence of this project. The project involves the treating and reusing of the sewage water from Bangalore city, which otherwise would be discharged to the rivers downstream, thereby polluting them. The sewage water from Bangalore city is stored at the Yelemallappa Shetty tank near K.R Puram and later diverted to Doddakere lake on the outskirts of Hoskote town, adjacent to the national highway. The minor irrigation department, Government of Karnataka, has implemented a project that intended to treat the sewage water and supply the same to the villages in and around the region for agricultural purposes. Surprisingly, according to a test conducted by the BMS College of Engineering, the treated water has been found to be fit for human consumption (potable) as well. The best part of the project is that the residents of Hoskote town and surrounding areas are now receiving drinking water almost round the clock which was hitherto unheard of and inconceivable, in the town. All the agencies and departments behind the materialization of this project need to be complemented. The icing on the cake is that a similar project has been planned for Sarjapur as well.

If only Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage Board (BWSSB) emulates the minor irrigation department and starts utilizing all the tanks and lakes in the Bangalore region to meet the future requirements of the city, the dependence on the river Cauvery, which involves the pumping of the water from a distance of nearly 130 Km at a steep gradient, could be reduced. Needless to say, the pumping of water to a gradient posed by the topography of Bangalore, involves the consumption of enormous amounts of power. Therefore, utilizing the locally available sources of water would be a better option than to divert the West flowing rivers and streams in the state, that could spell a doom on the ecological balance in the Western Ghats.


  1. After my wastewater training, we were able to see that there are indeed a lot of town and cities that are in need of a clean water supply. Thankfully there are lot of technology for waste water treatments nowadays (but not all places can afford them).

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